The most damage inflicted by the weather has been to the track. Torrents of water have ripped up not only the track surface but also the sub-base down to the rock. We called an emergency meeting on Monday which included flying HRNZ track expert John Denton up from Christchurch to observe the damage and to devise a plan.
Repairs are estimated to cost in excess of $100,000 with at least 10 days of fine weather required to complete the task.
More meetings were held yesterday involving HRNZ Racing Manager Catherine McDonald concerning the viability of the ATC being able to hold any meetings this month. It was decided that given the uncertainty of predicting the weather, availability of materials and equipment that all three meetings will be moved to Cambridge. The meetings are February 9th, 17th and 24th.
It is disappointing to lose our first Premier meeting of the season, the Harness Millions set for the 17th and our task now is to ensure that sponsors, owners and trainers are supported for a smooth transition to the Cambridge Raceway.